Tag Archives: Health

Signs and Symptoms of Lichen Planus

Signs and Symptoms of Lichen Planus What is Lichen Planus? Lichen Planus is a condition characterize by swelling and irritation in the mucous membranes of the body, as well as the skin, hair and nails. It often appears as pulish itch bumps on the skin

Are these symptoms of burnout or depression?

Are these symptoms of burnout or depression? In a stressful and pressurized working world, we may find ourselves facing increasing levels of burnout. But the question is, is it burnout or depression? Let’s understand and differentiate between these two symptoms, what are the differences, and

Get to know The Actor-Observer’s Bias Psychology

Get to know The Actor-Observer’s Bias Psychology. Have you ever been quick to judge others based on their wrongdoings. But when you do wrong, you find a hundred reasons to justify yourself? You may have the actor-observer bias A common psychological bias that has a

What is Laser hair removal cam for pubic hair?

What is Laser hair removal cam for pubic hair? Laser hair removal or pubic hair removal is a procedure that uses laser technology to remove or reduce the amount of hair in that area. It is an effective method of reducing or removing hair permanently