Mussels with White Wine

Mussels with White Wine to add lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves and basil leaves to stop the fishy smell of the shellfish. But this menu is western style, with white wine, bay leaf and parsley to deodorize the fishy smell. 

Mussels with White Wine ingredient  

  • 2 kg of mussels
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 2/3 cup chopped parsley
  • 3 bay leaves
  • Thyme 15 g
  • 2 cups white wine
  • 100 grams ufabet unsalted butter


  1. Rinse the mussels thoroughly, pull the tentacles out, and set aside to drain.
  2. Put the pan over the heat, add 2/3 parts of the butter, wait until the butter is melted, then add onions, thyme, bay leaf, and half parsley. Stir well, add white wine, cover with a lid.
  3. Wait until the alcohol has completely evaporated. It takes about 3-4 minutes, then scoop the clams into the prepared container for serving.
  4. Filter the water obtained from boiling the shellfish. And bring it back to set the fire again Add the rest of the butter and parsley. Boil until the butter is melted. Topped on the mussels prepared to serve